Our Cancer Cases Given Homeopathic Treatment

Case Report | DOI: https://doi.org/10.31579/CCOR-2021/004

Our Cancer Cases Given Homeopathic Treatment

  • Hayriye Alp 1*
  • 1* Necmettin Erbakan University, GETAT CENTER, Konya, Turkey.

*Corresponding Author: Hayriye Alp, Necmettin Erbakan University, GETAT CENTER, Konya, Turkey.

Citation: Hayriye Alp (2021) Our Cancer Cases Given Homeopathic Treatment. J. Clinical Cancer and Oncology Research. 1(1) DOI: 10.31579/CCOR-2021/004

Copyright: © 2021, Hayriye Alp, This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: 01 June 2021 | Accepted: 05 June 2021 | Published: 17 June 2021

Keywords: cancer cases; homeopathy; general healing


Homeopathy sees human beings as a whole; In other words, along with the physical body, your spiritual structure also takes care of your feelings and thoughts, helping the body to heal itself and trying to achieve general healing. It is a natural, effective, scientific treatment method that has been applied for two hundred years. The basic principle of homeopathy is "Don't treat with like like"


Homeopathy sees human beings as a whole; In other words, along with the physical body, your spiritual structure also takes care of your feelings and thoughts, helping the body to heal itself and trying to achieve general healing. It is a natural, effective, scientific treatment method that has been applied for two hundred years. The basic principle of homeopathy is "Don't treat with like like"[1].

Physicians such as Hippocrates and Ibn-i Sina also used and explained the same principle. Each element has only its own characteristics. The emergence of homeopathy as a treatment method was with the physician, pharmacist and chemist Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843, Germany), who is considered to be the father of this science [2].

"Drugs reveal the symptoms they heal in a sick person in a healthy person." The basis of homeopathy; is to activate our life energy and enable our body to cope with diseases by activating the instinct of staying alive and being healthy. Classical medicine uses antidote as a treatment method, that is, substances that either reduce or prevent the growth of microorganisms, in short, antibiotics, analgesics, pain relievers, are given to the body. In homeopathy, the life energy is informed about how it can eliminate the disease [3,5].

It is the homeopathic remedies that give this information. These remedies originate from nature, and the material from plants, metals, animals, secretions and sometimes the healed infection itself is the source of nearly 4,000 remedies. The most important thing in homeopathy is to have detailed information about the patient in the patient interview; to reveal the different symptoms and the ways of their emergence and differences. This information includes the general picture of the patient from birth; Affection, likes and dislikes, family history, sleeping habits, climatic or temporal complaints, in short, physical, spiritual and mental symptoms are learned and evaluated as a whole[5,6].

The patient's dreams, emotions, and behavioral patterns are learned and important or personal findings are determined and compared with the general characteristics of the remedies. While treating acute conditions, treatment for symptoms can be done, but the main thing is that the only structural drug is given in low doses to provide improvement [3]. The purpose here is; it is not just to eliminate the symptoms, but better to achieve real and lasting recovery. The findings of the patient and the drugs are compared and the appropriate drug is sought. If the findings of the patient and the drug are similar, it means the correct drug has been found.

The basic rule of classical homeopathy is that one drug is given in the lowest dose. Goal; It is not to eliminate the symptoms, but to achieve permanent recovery. What many scientists find strange and find it hard to believe in the effect of homeopathy; Actually, there is no active substance in remedies, but the healing power of the substance continues because the teaching of that substance contains its energy mechanism of action. The more the drugs are diluted, the more intense the effect. For this reason, remedies have no side effects, but they will work if they are true and they will be able to reveal their own findings if they are wrong. This life force can be achieved without harming the person. Generally, homeopathy contributes significantly to the onset of chronic diseases and to preventing progression to chronicity. As an example of these pathologies; ulcerative colitis, sinusitis, asthma, allergic conditions, eczema, rheumatoid arthritis, and it is very effective especially in the first six months [5,6].

More than 15,000 doctors are training in homeopathy in Brazil. [4] There are 162 schools about Hopeopathy in India, 200,000 doctors receive homeopathy training, and 100,000 people are known to use homeopathic remedies [8,9].

cancer is defined as uncontrolled cell growth. It is revealed in cases where the life force of the person is impaired. Homeopathy can also be used in the symptoms caused by many cancers with its quantum energy dimension and epigenetic effect. In this study, we aimed to discuss the results we obtained with homeopathy treatment and symptoms that cannot be coped with conventional medicine methods.


Patients who applied to the GETAT center between 2018-2021 who received homeopathic treatment, especially , were screened.

Case 1

63 years old man. Larınx cancer. There is wound infection around the tracheostomy, which increased after chemotherapy. There is eczema in his history. There is a history of cancer in his siblings. He is fed through nasogastric catheter. Nitric acid with homeopathic repertorization c30 2 * hepar sulfur c200 in 1,2 sessions, hydrastis canadensis c200, thujua c30, kali muriatum c200 Mercurius cynatum c200 2 * 1 was started . PT 2.17,Aptt93,5 , glukose66, 5mg/dl,creat3, 33mg/dl, Na128mMol/lCl93mmol/l, Ca7, Phosfor6mg/dlLDH 271U/L Mg 1, 85.alb 21,4g/l CRP 165, ALP 665, SGOT 51U/L Hb 8,1mg/dl plt 14.000, ürea 202mg/dl. Entorobacterisia grew in the bacterial culture.

Case 2.

52 Years old female. She applied to the polk with hip pain. Ankylosing spondylitis patient, who had undergone tah bso operation in 2016 and received 5 sessions of radiotherapy in 2016, was using plaquinil asprin for 15 years.glokose 103mg/dl,cholesterol201,Na 147, crp 7.3,TSH 0,9,ldh 263,Hb 9,4 Ca 9, P 3,66 shüssler 7 number, carbo animalis c200, calc.phosp c200, symphitum c200, rhus tox c30 was started.

Case 3

61 Years old female. She had hysterectomy in 2017 due to endometrial cancer. She had neck and lumbar hernia. B12 524,Mg 2, d-vit 36,b12 530,TSH 0,7,CEA 2,78,OMCA CA-125 4,12, BRMCA CA 15.3 ;26.9,

Arsenic c200,sepia c6,conium c30 (for endometrial ca),hypericum c30 rhus tox c30 (for hernia) okubaka c30(for gastritis),hamamelis c30 (for lenf edema), lycopodium c30 was started. Patient’s feares relaxed and pain decreased.

Case 4

47 years old female.breast cancer opereted. B12 556,D VİT 48, TSH 1.72,Hb 12,6. Ca 9.51, creat 0,63,ürea 23.Phytolacca c200, carsinosin c30 was started.

Case 5

70 Years old male. Lung cancer He applied to the polk with complaints of hiccups, nausea and vomiting. The patient, who had previously received radiotherapy chemotherapy, had an arm fracture operation 50 years ago and a prosthetic surgery 10 years ago.

Case 6

47 Years old female. she applied to polk because of fibrocystic breast disease. He was operated for endometriomyoma in 2003. He had dental canal treatment in 2018. He had pneumonia in 2018. He has diabetes and blood pressure diseases in his family. There is deviation in his hip. The patient was started with calc.phosp c30, carcinosin c200 phytolacca c200, bryonia c30. 

Case 7

52 years old female menengioma .in 2018 operated. And nüks. had tube stomach surgery in 2009. He cannot lose weight. His complaints increased after loss of mother. He used tegretol. Arnica c200, ruta c6, cuprum c6 calc.phosp. c3 started.

Case 8

18 years old female in 2020 over cancer rt and ct given. adonotonsillectomy in her history. Neuropathy complient. carbo animalis c200, arnica c200 Hyper c200 kreotum c200 conium c200 2*1 and ozone therapy was started .her complaints decreased.


Homeopathy, a natural remedy that has been used widely all over the world for 200 years system. It has been recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the second largest treatment method used worldwide. Although it is the most popular form of treatment in India and South America, it is also used by over 30 million people in Europe and millions of other people around the world (7). Homoopathy treats the human as the mind, emotion and physical body. This is the breakdown in the system

It happens that three systems are affected in turn. Treatment is done with the improvement of all of these. Treatment starts from the inside and therefore from the mind. The real power that keeps man alive is his life force. Without this power, there is no life and there is no healing (2). For him, this power that keeps people alive is also the power that heals. While we are treating, we are actually giving a warning to this power. We are making this warning with potentized drugs. It makes us return to a healthy state, the life force that receives the warning and remembers its true mission. Special attention is paid to traditional and complementary medicine branches in India. In the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of India, in March 1995, the Department of Indian Medical Systems and Homeopathy (Department of Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy - ISM & H) first established a special focus on this issue. This section was rearranged at the general directorate level in November 2003 to focus on alternative medicine systems such as Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Greek, Siddha and Homeopathy, and the Department of "Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy" (The Department of Ayurveda, Yoga. and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy AYUSH). The department works on improving the AYUSH training standards, quality control and standardization of medicines, increasing the usefulness of medicinal plant materials, research and development (R&D), and raising awareness on the effectiveness of these systems in the domestic and international arena [7].

Hahnemann’s mission was to develop a method for treating rather than establishing a universal medical theory. Instead of suppressing symptoms, homeopathy guides patients to better health and therefore homeopathy has a promising future. Homeopathy relates to modern scientific paradigms such as systems theory, cybernetics, and semiology, rather than Cartesian and causal-mechanical thinking. Instead of making theoretical definitions of disease and treatment, Hahnemann created new contemporary definitions for his colleagues: life force, microbes (miasm), dynamic causes of disease, dynamic effects of cure, symptoms. Today's scientists, 19th century. should give up its terminology and include homeopathy in psychoneuro-endocrino-immunology, epigenetics, phenomenology, non-planarity, etc. should be conceptualized within the terms. Hahnemann's methods were applied for nearly 200 years, and even though some terms and concepts were controversial and excluded, he found appropriate and useful applications. Distinguishing the practical, theoretical, and metaphysical levels will open broad horizons to theoretical considerations and at the same time protect homeopathy from opposition based solely on theoretical concerns [10].

It has been shown that homeopathy can be used effectively in chronic diseases such as paralysis. [11] Complementary medicine methods, including homeopathy, are also used in cancer cases in many studies around the world [12]. In the literature, it is defined that complementary medicine methods solve many problems [13,14]. In France, 34% of the patients have been found to use it in their treatment [16]. Homeopathy seems to be one of the most popular complementary medicine methods used by patients in the UK [17].

In a study where cancer patients were followed for 1 year, it was observed that the anxiety and depression scores of the homeopathy group were significantly lower [18]. The meta-analysis shows that cancer patients who use homeopathy in their treatment are quite high [19]. Anticancer effects of Chelidonium and Lycopodium, which are the remedies of homeopathy, have been shown [20,21]. It has been determined that the homeopathic remedy of Sabal serrulata affects the growth of tumor cells biologically [22].

American studies have shown that homeopathic treatment reduces the tumor incidence by 23% and reduces the tumor volume by 38% [22].

It has been reported that it regresses liver tumor and decreases the incidence of sarcoma in experimental animal studies [23]. There are studies showing that it induces the apoptosis cascade by delaying the adenocarcino cell cycle in breast cancer [24]. It was found that Ruta and Calc Phosp, which are homeopathic remedies used in intracranial tumors, regressed the tumor in 15 cases with 6 glioma diagnosis without rt and ct [24], we observed similar results in our cases.

By the genetic information present in the chromosomes in the nucleus of the cells.The importance of discipline and naturally positive mind;happy,comfortable,mature,peaceful and naturally positive thoughts.Vital force ;frequency, wawelength and amplitude=healty, püre and stable state=constructive mutation in DNA.When negative emotıons develop in our mind; anger, hatred, enmity, depression, grief, jealously, fear, anxiety, worry, insecurity, feeling guilt etc. Our vital force =unhealthy state=destructive mutation/DNA alteration.

Dıfferent modes of DNA alteration/mutation possıblety:through direct superposition of the vital force by the throughts of the mind. Through direct superposition of yhe vital force including x-rays,throughts of others,cosmic radiations, homeopathic remedies/medicines etc. Through biochemical reactions.

Matter in dynamic scientific perspective:matter is made up stabilized and self spinning vibrational units of frequency, wave length and amplitude:solid,liquid state,gasses state,space,planets, stars.Nanoparticles;it can explain quanta of energy and similarity of macrocosm/microcosm.An individual atom has a diameter of around 10-10 m(1nm) and compare this with some examples of larger particles.Nanoparticles may contain just a few hundred atoms, they are very small.Nanoparticles range size from 10-9m to 10-7m(1nm to 100nm).

Potentization is unique way of homeopathic medicine preparation with the process of continuous dilution of the medicinel substance with a vehicle through succussion or trituration, thus breaking down the compressed energy units in the substance to individual energy units or to an energy level,sothat the energy units can resonate the vital force to bring back the lost purity and stability.

Genetic counceling as a curativemedicine

Counseling=transform the mental concepts and attitudes of the person=natural,positive, comfortable and a universally acceptable one.Allows the development of thoughts that can superpose vital force and produce a naturally healty curative mutation/alteration in the DNA.Cancer develops by destructive DNA Alterations or mutation through(mind,vital force,body) To manage cancer; step-1.understand the maintaining causes of case taking and analysis,help the patient and family to realize it by proper counseling and help them to get rid of it, help the patient to maintain the mind at the positive,happy and comfortable side through the help of yoga,meditation,prayers,proper understandingetc.In the step-2 surgery therapy.In the step-3 take food which are from toxins,chemical preservatives and avoid food which contains meat of farm grown animals that are injected and fed with chemicals and growth hormones and medicines which are chemically harmful to body.Take steps that maintains purity of the body. Advantages of Dynamic Scientific Approach (DSA)

  • No need to take the heat. Stay away from the after-effects of Chemotherapy.
  • Ours is all Natural Treatment. DSA doesn’t employ any Artificial and intense procedures like Chemotherapy or Radiation Therapy
  • No Side- effects
  • With us there is just a happy life ahead.
  • No Hair- fall
  • Over 20 years-tested, perfected and proven
  • Enhances immunity of the body
  • Cut the bill-comparatively, costs less
  • Less chance to recur
  • Cancer-treatment-Life after recovery


Homeopathy is the predominantly popular alternative holistic system of medicine, invented by a German Physician Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann more than 200 years ago. The most important advantage of homeopathy is that it has no known side-effects as the extremely diluted nature of the remedies nullifies risk. This is due to the absence of any material content in it due to the commonly used potentiated form of preparation. The hypotheses of Dynamic Science (DS) explain many unanswered questions connected to homeopathy like “what is curative in homeopathic medicine, how homeopathic medicine works, etc.”Homeopathy is making itself relevant as an alternate form of treatment with more research and studies done on it.


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My Testimonial Covering as fellowing: Lin-Show Chin. The peer reviewers process is quick and effective, the supports from editorial office is excellent, the quality of journal is high. I would like to collabroate with Internatioanl journal of Clinical Case Reports and Reviews.


Lin-Show Chin

My experience publishing in Psychology and Mental Health Care was exceptional. The peer review process was rigorous and constructive, with reviewers providing valuable insights that helped enhance the quality of our work. The editorial team was highly supportive and responsive, making the submission process smooth and efficient. The journal's commitment to high standards and academic rigor makes it a respected platform for quality research. I am grateful for the opportunity to publish in such a reputable journal.


Sonila Qirko

My experience publishing in International Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Reviews was exceptional. I Come forth to Provide a Testimonial Covering the Peer Review Process and the editorial office for the Professional and Impartial Evaluation of the Manuscript.


Luiz Sellmann

I would like to offer my testimony in the support. I have received through the peer review process and support the editorial office where they are to support young authors like me, encourage them to publish their work in your esteemed journals, and globalize and share knowledge globally. I really appreciate your journal, peer review, and editorial office.


Zhao Jia

Dear Agrippa Hilda- Editorial Coordinator of Journal of Neuroscience and Neurological Surgery, "The peer review process was very quick and of high quality, which can also be seen in the articles in the journal. The collaboration with the editorial office was very good."


Thomas Urban

We found the peer review process quick and positive in its input. The support from the editorial officer has been very agile, always with the intention of improving the article and taking into account our subsequent corrections.


David Vinyes