Research Article | DOI:

Gravity Syndrome

  • Raja TOUNSI 1

Gravity G-Tunis, Tunisia.

*Corresponding Author: Raja TOUNSI, Gravity G-Tunis, Tunisia.

Citation: TOUNSI Raja (2019) Gravity Syndrome, J. Psychology and Mental Health Care. 3(4); DOI: 10.31579/2637-8892/060

Copyright: © 2019 Raja TOUNSI, This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author and source are credited.

Received: 18 December 2018 | Accepted: 05 January 2019 | Published: 07 January 2019

Keywords: knowledge; imagination; intelligence


I love what I am doing because it offers me a constant variety and diversity, without ever having a normal day, creativity, growth and new concepts, seeing my innovations grow and develop diversity to make a lot of research and no routine - The opportunity to create something new for a better world. In this book I developed relativity at the body level in its atmospheric setting. The human body is a ball of renewable energy; this study is based on the scientific definition of the relativity at the corporal level compared to the atmospheric environment which shelters it. This hypothesis accentuates the importance of the energetic material and its primordial role in future cures for certain diseases, especially neurological ones.



"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination"
                                                                                                     -Albert Einstein

I love what I am doing because it offers me a constant variety and diversity, without ever having a normal day, creativity, growth and new concepts, seeing my innovations grow and develop diversity to make a lot of research and no routine - The opportunity to create something new for a better world. In this book I developed relativity at the body level in its atmospheric setting. The human body is a ball of renewable energy; this study is based on the scientific definition of the relativity at the corporal level compared to the atmospheric environment which shelters it. This hypothesis accentuates the importance of the energetic material and its primordial role in future cures for certain diseases, especially neurological ones.



Extension of Einstein's hypothesis

"The agent Na + acts constantly on the circulatory rotation of the neurons, which accentuates the operational deficiency of the cellular rhythm in normal state, the agent Ca acts on the bone system and indirectly on the cardiac rhythm.

This relativity provokes the law of body weight with respect to atmospheric deficiency."

Body Gravity

Body Gravity is based on the magnetic field of each neuron. Neurons provide the transmission of a bioelectric signal Called nerve impulse. Neurons have two physiological properties: excitability or the ability to respond to stimulations and convert them into nerve impulses, and conductivity, which is the ability to transmit impulses. The source of the body's energies is the mitochondria. Overall distribution:

65% H2O- 20% Protein

10% lipids- 1% nucleotides

Cations - Vitamins A and C.

They are delimited by two membranes: external and internal they are formed of a lipid bilayer and proteins. Between the two, the inter membrane space is 6 to 8 nm thick. The circumscribed space.

Body energies

Energy A:

It is a substantial energy; it acts on the level of the blood circulation by allowing it to renew itself. The component cells circulate at a steady rate at the heart rate and react according to the intensity of the body's magnetic energy. It is the level crossing of the blood system, it deteriorates the infectious level of blood while proceeding to the multiplication of red and white blood cells, the functional ion of this energy are located at the level of the central axis of the liver. The substantial energy acts at the level of the blood circulation allowing it to renew itself. The component cells circulate at a steady rate at the heart rate and react according to the intensity of the magnetic energy and that in the parallel direction of the sun. This explains that the rejection of toxins at the level of the lymph acts on the protection of the body from any destructive energy = Cognition

Energy B:

It is functional and self-defense energy of the body, the rejection of toxins at the level of the lymph acts on the protection of the body from all destructive energy at the moment when the radioactive rays act directly on the vision of the producing cells. Females at the blood level = Body

Energy C:

It is an impulsive energy that allows the elimination of any toxic body accessing the envelopment of neurons that are made of a very thin but very strong connective and protective tissue acting on the lymph. Its texture is formed from chromosomes very rich in proteins and iron, it mainly participates in the constitution of embryonic cells, this element projects rays that act directly on the gray matter fighting in this way any radioactivity or viral infection in the body for this reason, in the event of failure, a malfunction occurs which in turn causes the elimination of the agent, so a substantial imbalance in the bones appears. This imbalance subsequently affects the spinal cord and causes lesions via atmospheric radioactive waves = Brain

Body relativity

Impulsive energy has some cellular fragments of the lymph and it is at this level that the nerve of the senses is located which is the motor of the brain. The root is located at the spine L5 / S1 which is the most important region because it is the center of gravity and the source of any organic failure. The gray matter is the only essence of the bone mechanism. This liquid contains 1 billion 175,000 active cells, each cell contains a neuron, each neuron comprises the set of: an atom of oxygen + an atom of iron + a atom of magnesium, each atom is enveloped by a thin wall containing an electric charge of 127,566 KW / Millimicrons, this charge represents the life of the body. The potential energy of the gray matter is the substantial energy. Impulsive energy propagates very powerful and undetectable rays that act on the gray matter and cause heat that is distributed at the body level and expands as a function of the body's magnetic field, these rays are propagated by solar energy. It acts on the circulatory rotation of the neurons, which accentuates the operational deficiency of the cellular rhythm in a normal state, the calcium reacts on the bone circuit and indirectly on the cardiac rhythm thing which controls the law of the gravity of the organism compared to atmospheric deficiency. The electrical intensity expands the circuits feeding the gray matter, this pressure causes a force of gravity on the cells composing the tissues and proceeds to the electric charge of the chromosomes that makes a movement: The functional energy, which defines the relativity in the body energy circuit.

The Human Body and the atmosphere

The molecular mass of the atmospheric electromagnetic energy reacts directly on the muscular system which tones the body's field and its contact with the magnetic field of the soil. The molecular mass of the planetary elements reacts directly on the blood system with interference of the electromagnetic field of the interplanetary resistance related to the enigmatic network of Saturn and Jupiter at the bottom of the simple chemical equation composed of two essential agents which are oxygen and carbon.

Oxygen plays the role of polyvalence between the cells constituting the neurons and traces itself on a symmetrical trajectory to the field of homogeneous mixing of the molecules of hydrogen in the atmosphere. A homogeneous and simple set to replace the body energy formula whatever is its intensity.

The human body includes 1 billion 69,000 nerves. The blood circuit circulates at a suitable speed to 120,000,000 AL making a regular crossing. The nerves are enveloped by a very fine texture while varying the temperature of the blood by stabilizing it and protecting the blood against the radiation of toxins.The alternative confrontation of the neurological system works at a very condensed and systematic rate to the direct transplant of cell division at the level of the neurons based on the molecular condensation it reacts on the energy A of the organism and produces a simultaneous infraction at the cellular level in the neurological trajectory whose intensity of energy B is 175.000.000 W / Millimicrons = circulatory random velocity of the neurons.

The atmospheric energy molecular mass reacts directly on the lymphatic circuit which is of a very high functional competence. The reaction of the energies at the level of the organism depends on the lymphatic resistance which is the field of passage of any foreign agent at the level of the body.

Example: The radioactivity and its influence at the level of the body pierce the lymphatic network to be poured thereafter inside the body or outside of the skin.

Example: In February 2003 the spread of virus classified under the very powerful bacteriological order aimed at the ozone layer after contamination of the atmospheric nitrogen layer

Example: S.A.R.S. Ultra-strong magnetic resonance-based defensive satellite detection with platelets based on magnesium decoyed in mercury demonstrates that the stratosphere is contaminated.

The atmospheric energy molecular mass also projects a positive radioactivity collected by the auditory and ocular system through the atmospheric energy of the planet Saturn. Its circulatory speed is 120,000 AL / second. The blood feeds from this wall which projects a viscous substance feeding on the alimentary substances of the lymphatic circuit which serves as a stream containing the elements necessary for the organism and the toxins released by the blood.

The gray matter is the only essence of the bone mechanism. This liquid contains 1 billion 175,000 active cells, each cell contains a neuron, each neuron contains a whole atom of oxygen + an atom of iron + a magnesium atom, each atom is enveloped by a thin wall containing a charge 127,566 KW/ millimicron electric charge, this charge represents the life of the body.

The energy molecular mass reacts directly on the gray matter. The bulbs of this agent are oriented toward a gaseous mixture integrity that qualifies as sulfuric. At the bottom of the proportional equation the phenomenon reacts on the cellular intersection and goes up to the growth of the condensation of the spinal fluid.

The location of the neurological circuit allows the condensation, the approval of the speed and the circulatory flow of the globules in the blood level. The energy intensity will be operational only if the energy ion becomes rich in oxygen something that will be possible only with the intersection of the molecule of hydrogen. This ion causes the growth of the protective belt of the organs (stomach, intestine, kidneys, heart, pancreas, ovaries, prostate and lungs).

The nerves allow the survival of organs and form a veil very important factor in the life of the body and holds the equation of longevity in creatures, with a dissolution of mineral salts in the blood, methane contributes to the evaporation of its combination, the knowledge of the neurons at the level of the layer A of the atmosphere and which is for all that the first layer of the oxygenating veil. This veil includes 2 important elements in addition to oxygen, hydrogen and carbon. The two elements unite to form the rhesus of human blood: The bodies that aspire atmospheric hydrogen to quantity> to the carbon come from the rhesus - The bodies that aspire the atmospheric carbon with quantity> with the hydrogen come from the rhesus So, at the bottom of the chemical equation of the body, the gray matter determines the blood rhesus and dilates it at the level of the organic system in order to be able to determine the blood group.

The interference of the body's operational energies with the sun's rays contributes to the echo of the heartbeat, the feeding of the auditory system by biological agents that act directly on the nervous system allowing the auditory balance; a malfunction contributes to a failure in the neurons. The disproportion spreads U.V rays detected through the pupil to dilate in the molecules of the lateral epidermal tissue.

The gray matter holds its energy from the lunar rays and is powered by the sun's rays and allows the transfusion of energy in the body and rejects the carbon through the blood so it has magnetic energy that is activated by the protective substance of the bone walls.

The subordination of the electric current in the body gives birth to the circuit of the gray matter and allows it to feed the bone vessels which in turn give off a heat which will be intensified by the solar energy, which determines the existence of substantial energy in the body.

Human body gravity syndrome

The failure of the body energy flow is caused by a formidable virus, composed of radioactive elements; its shape is rounded and carries two rectangular shapes at the ends which have the function of absorbing the element oxygen which allows it to multiply at a speed equal to 278 light years in 21 other balls. The center of gravity is active from electric charge of 1 billion 165,000 particles surrounding the nucleus. Its radical force is propagated from ions (around 3000 units) and which move at speed equal 1,200,000 light years at the level of the hydrogen layer to the nitrogen layer. This infection affects the gray matter and blood causing multiple inflammations in the body.

The energy circuit proceeds with the digital operation of the respiratory rhythm in the first place and urinary at the end of its route to eliminate the waste triggered by the body and rejected by the random system of the genital apparatus. The radioactive intensity will not be operational if the uranium agent (operational ion) becomes rich in oxygen, something that will only be possible with the intersection of the hydrogen molecule. Its active effect at the level of the organism will not allow any shaking of the defensive cells at the level of the organism and reacts directly on the gray matter and its detection will only be positive if the body is really impoverished in iron, the agent act on the heart and cell rhythm and goes up to the radiation of neurons.

Oxygen is the only agent that allows the destruction of toxic waste. The medical remedy must be based on natural agents. The destruction of the MN viral cell must be fixed on a remedy that is placed under an external application that reacts on the lymph and spreads to the gray matter.

The viral cell MN intensifies in the absence of the iron agent at the level of the organism therefore deliberates a failure in the gray matter. The authenticity of this formula deteriorates the radioactivity of red blood cells which increases by the chemical reaction of any chemical and atomic agent. The failure at the organic level at the starting point of the MN viral cell is localized at the level of the respiratory organs. The complementary medical treatment to regulate this energy deficiency and to detoxify the body of this cell is to connect to the respiratory metabolism only to oxygenate the body.

MN virus is revealing at the bone level and destroys the resistance of the cells while causing dilation at the level of the atoms forming the bone tissues. The radioactive activity of the MN virus is very resistant to the cardiac system, although the rhythm seems very little variable, the energy activating the arterial cells is compensated for in the blood and blocked by a failure of the potassium agent which presents itself in the form of energy sparks in the form of a compressing and decompressing body, energy B is the essence of the cardiac mechanism. This failure causes a relaxation of the vital tissues at the level of the blood velocity which becomes greater than the magnetic pressure of the arterial pump of the blood circuit. When the oxygenation of this nerve is blocked, it causes a disfunction in the blood which causes a failure in the respiratory level.

Cell multiplication is well organized and reproduces as long as impulsive energy is operational. In case of failure the blood speed is disturbed. Organic dysfunction takes place. Ex: The total stop of some organs: Blocking of the kidneys or sudden stop of the heart.

The brown plaques are achievable from the lymphatic circulation by resistance of the U.V. The degree of burns is not so deep apparently but it is a cancer of the cutaneous layer. The virus passes through the breathed air and is localized to the blood causing a failure in the oxygenation of the body that generates thereafter. Ex: HIV: Failure in blood cells; EBOLA: Failure in blood speed.

Viral axe

It is a viral cell of approximately 1 million 224,000

The ions of this cell are made on a very regular field and absorbing the body energy, based on the iron agent which is formed from bulbs in the form of gas residing in the walls of the blood vessels the oxygenation of the body is activated: A radical operation to the survival of toxins that will have been spreading at the level of the body to be released at the level of the faecal matter.
The cell multiplication is well organized and is constantly done as long as this energy is operational at the level of this nerve. Failure occurs laterally with increasing blood velocity at each uncontrolled pulse. The organic dysfunction takes place as well as the total stopping of certain organs.
An energy deficit causes a counter balance and goes as far as destroying the bone balance by eliminating the magnetic energy of the human body. The MN virus is rich in uranium compound agent which with its combination with the sulfur agent becomes infectious to the blood level. Body energy fails as soon as the toxins roll up carbon, which weakens the activity of the oxygen agent, which leads to an imbalance in the iron rate in the body.
Oxygen is the only agent that allows the destruction of toxic waste. The medical remedy must be based on natural agents. The destruction of the cell itself must be fixed on a remedy that is placed under an external application that reacts on the lymph and spreads to the gray matter. Its active effect at the level of the organism will not allow any shaking of the defensive cells at the level of the organism and reacts directly on the gray matter and its detection will only be positive only if the body is really impoverished in iron, the agent act on the heart and cell rhythm and goes up to the radiation of neurons.
The formula of the determining molecular mass of the axis opposite and symmetrical of the acute angle of an X-ray = prolongation of the pejorative system of the axial wall of the intensive system of sedimentation of the vena cava towards a strain with high magnetic resonance.

Le MN : cellule virale composée

-5 souches :


Une souche atomique (2)

Une souche biologique (1)

Une souche chimique (1)

Atmospheric Gravity Syndrome

Venus: mother planet of the solar system Moon (H + 2CI O2)

= molecular formula + iodine: simultaneous hydraulic resistance.

Zone C3-M4 = Shrinkage of the C3-M4 zone.

Ozone Hole X.Y = Substantial nuclear charges in the form of a planet but the capacity of the nucleus is none other than hydrogen, which is an electromagnetic wave nucleus with operational charges for each planet composing a viral mixture. Electromagnetic network of the planet Jupiter:

Soda ash is the contingent energy-positive agent of the planet Jupiter.

Electromagnetic deficiency at the interplanetary level.

-    2 champs :

Champ radioactif (1)

Champ magnétique

1 noyau

1 courbe aspiratoire

1 axe productif

Very resistant field in nuclear energy = centering points hyper active network in operational energy of the layer C.A.B.

The neuron destroyed by the virus: Accented by the side effect, the neuron is destroyed by the virus by the transfusion of nuclear energy at the level of the subaltern walls of the tissues covering the radioactive strain of the nucleus. This causes a constant immunity that detects a toxic larva that accentuates the tenacity of the chromosome tissues of the virus.

The healthy neuron: A free zone of nuclear energy release for the basic functioning of the constitution of the cells composing the soil crust.

Atmospheric energy circuit

The circuit is constantly dependent on the aquatic magnetic field:

The sun

The energy C

Energy B

Point C dominates the axis of the triangle on the two peripheral dimensions of its plot field. Point C reacts on the narrowing mechanics of the Bermuda Triangle 4 angles opposite but connected under a divergence of electric waves under an attraction of the planet Venus only.
The localized hydrogen quality in this zone feeds the lunar atmosphere. A divergence of axes goes up to cause a reflection at the level of the ozone layer and from there went the hole.
Viral ability to transmit radioactivity: methane is the essential energy to fight the viral nucleus.
The nuclear waste supplied for the industrialization of a metal for the construction of an aerospace machine did not succeed and this is because of the lack of an essential agent which is the magnesium necessary for the massive impulse of the aluminum elemental agent.
Very variable, the temperature on sea goes of a fixed intensity following the radioactivity and stops at the central point which makes an angle of 2°C in the North East of the Antarctic Ocean. The Field is very favorable to the detections of the real terrestrial temperatures. This difference produces an approximate detour of 24H00 universal while the exact time is 26H00 / day on land and 21H00 / day on sea.
The power of aquatic energy evaporation causes undesirable congestion at the atmospheric gas level and the meeting of 2 sets of unequally distributed energies under a formula that is not adequate to the norms of the right composition causes the cyclones. A possible fall of the energized energies produces an excess of propulsive heat which affects the planet earth and rejects the cells at the level of the atmospheric layers which in their turn are encumbered with toxins and dilate the energetic components and make their effectiveness impossible.
The detected heat produces a very powerful electrical and magnetic intensity that reacts to the level of the cellular rejection of the planet saturne which reacts directly on the heat of planet earth. The aquatic layers determine the energy intensity of the earth vis-à-vis the scuttled atmosphere through the passage of atmospheric magnetism essential element for the maintenance of aquatic balance.
The variation of the atmospheric gases varies according to the radiations propagated by the solar rays. The verification is carried out on the fair value of the transmission of the negative infrared axial wave. The viral effect governs the operating side of the atmospheric neurons and dilates the secondary axis of the rotation of the planet Venus in the galaxy. Rich in gas, the propulsion wave allows the operation of the magnetic resistance of neurons in the body.
In the community, the energies of the atmospheric layer react in a global atmospheric circuit to restore life and tenacity to the cells of the body components.
The orbit speed of this reaction varies according to the lunar energy intensity which tries in all circumstances to destroy the viral detour. The cellular transaction is defined by the magnetic attraction of the planet Jupiter and its reaction on atmospheric and terrestrial energies. The effectiveness of the positive radioactive force is basic to the climatic and ecological maintenance.
A very weak reflection can be approached as yellow, black, orange and white. The sanctuary orifice has a resistance that is a gaseous type that acts directly on the view. Starting from this force is created the zone C3-M4. It is the earth that supports the planets of the universe including the moon and the sun.
The elimination of the ozone layer has stopped the radiation that destroys the activity of the energy C, which has caused a radical change in the character and partial stability of the energies in the atmosphere.
Nuclear and Atmospheric Energy: It is the most intense and most dangerous energy used for the destructive nuclear effect. Hydrogen is the main radioactive element by the biological complexity of its composition.
The reaction of the solar energy accentuates the evaporation of the water; of the oceans is the divulgue in the opposite directions to the lunar energy. These phenomena divide the radioactive ions which produce splinters against the uranium agent to keep a glow thus giving birth to the light which by the unstable and very homogeneous magnetism of the gaseous bodies accentuates the degree of light according to the intensity of the homogeneity of gaseous assemblies are the shadows.
The substantial energy of methane produces a very powerful radioactivity and develops the radical magnetism at the level of the cells composing the atmospheric oxygen layer. The cell wall is held from the outer layer of the atmospheric layer C.A.B. It is powered from aquatic energies.

With atmospheric failures the technological calculations are modified. A trajectory must manifest itself through positive waves. The diagonal goes on a time of sharing and gives birth to a radical perpendicular and offensive axis towards a point which will be the center of the tuning. The axis substitutes on the periphery of a positive alkaline of an equation devoid of a simultaneous probability. The centering point goes to a layer of an angle equal to 90 ° C - 93 ° C on a pointed axis of equivalent shape and equal to diamond shape.
The anatomical residue is transmitted through the closed space of an axial and perpendicular reflection of a diagonal. At 1/1000 the calculations were accurate because space shuttles for one mission or another cannot exceed 100.00.00 Km out of the oxygen layer. The malfunction is due to atmospheric disturbances and congestion of energies and more precisely magnetic which is an obstacle to the activity of radiation detection waves. A single energy is transmitted without difficulty it is the energy B which is captured by detection waves at a speed equal to 120.00.0000 Km / second.

Sulfur is the energy balance of nuclear energy. The radioactive squeal produce textures that will eventually compose abnormal bodies. Ex : Celestial bodies, unidentifiable object (ex : UFO).

Attraction of the Earth collects by the orbit speed of the planet Jupiter / East side / and the massive ejection of the planet Mars by pressure on the Western ozone layer. Currently very low resistance of the ozone layer: (0.0174691 CL O2). MN bulbs cause dilation at the level of molecules and an explosion of protective radioactive ions which causes viral contamination.

The determination of the trajectory of the solar ray is calculated by the magnetic field determining a right axis and equivalent to the light speed of an ejection of an atomic bomb at the maritime height. The East / Solar position is essential to avoid coordination of the transmission chip. The temporal intensity is achieved by diverting the planet Jupiter from 15 ° to normal rotation which is constant from 29 ° to 30 °.

The radioactive intensity will be operational only if the operational ion of the uranium agent becomes rich in oxygen, which will only be possible with the intersection of the hydrogen molecule. Nuclear energy acts directly on the water factor and affects the functioning of the atmospheric disturbance cycle and the composition of the hypersonic waves of the solar rays.

The deliberation of the aquatic riches will be reduced to the minimum by lack of atmospheric control of the energetic blockage by the viral effect which eliminates progressively the effect of the evaporation of the waters and will devour the hydrogen with large quantity, essential gas to maintain the planetary moisture of the universe and soften the deadlines of the radioactive rays of the planet Jupiter and save the nuclear energy of the planet Mars and spread the carbon of the planet Saturn.

Uranium acts as a shielded element of all gaseous body cells. The "limitless" radioactivity divides the sodium atom into 30,000,000 particles spread from the atmosphere. Radar detection is held by radioactive ions from the sun can be blocked by the MN virus due to its electrical intensity from where the viruses come from computers. Atmospheric energies are the only way to diagnose the agents of any viral reaction. The propagation of a radioactive wave on an insightful and offensive subaltern intensity on an infrared detector beam. Uranium + soda + sodium = the plutonium compound.

Axis determining the autonomous atmospheric viral infection of MN: It is a viral cell of approximately 1 million. 224,000

The location of the asteroid 2004 MN4 is some 120,000,000 light years from the planet Mars which with its environment rich in nuclear energy keeps a very humid environment but unfortunately unlivable because of the excess of hydrogen in its atmosphere and of the existence of the agent Sulfide in its soil.
The magnetic power of hypersonic ion is the power of 1 billion light-years of an infrared ray starting from the mother base which is the sun heading over a space of two billion 275,163 light years as they are, they are propagate at a tremendous speed engraving stop every 1.2 million light years.

Le point C domine l’axe du triangle au deux dimensions périphérique de son champ de traçage.

Le point C réagit sur la mécanique de rétrécissement du triangle de Bermudes.

4 angles opposés mais reliés sous une divergence d’ondes électriques sous une attraction de la planète Venus uniquement. La quantité d’hydrogène localisée dans cette zone s’alimente de l’atmosphère lunaire.

Une divergence d’axe va jusqu'à provoquer un reflet au niveau de la couche d’ozone et delà est parti le trou.

Configuration exacte du triangle de Bermudes de

l’énergie magnétique de l’univers

The factor transmittion positive waves which pierce the activity of the atomic rotation of the gaseous bodies in the atmosphere: The homogeneous and simple set to substitute the viral formula whatever its intensity.
It is a gas with a hot tendency, in contact with O2; it causes an insonous explosion identical to that of the spark of a radioactive ion which triggers the magnetic effect with a power equal to 220,173,000 light years. By the force of a qualifying structure, nothingness is an empty set of all activity but containing stable and invariable components.
Lunar energy appropriates the sedimentary axis of plutonium and deepens the reaction of magnetic waves to the current of the satellite detection field, a positively affordable reaction at the cellular level of the infrared waves.
On a positive wave is a geometric shape perpendicular to the diagonal = axis. The parallel diverges into several lines joined together on a semi-enclosed space to allow a reflection = a line reflecting a negative curve with rounded and diamond-shaped waves allowing a main axial point and diverging in a greyish tone to give rise to an inner and dark form = black holes. Negative waves react at the secondary level  while passing  through  the cells  and the atmospheric

C.A.B layer.

The paradoxical spatial slice opens the axial intermediate passage of the radioactivity of space nuclear energy.
The intense heat of the body in activity harvests its electrical resistance from the methane which is a gas diffuses the particles forming the positive of each body thus allowing the survival of the infrared ions of an atom. The repeated occurrence of the atmospheric disturbance led to the creation of a lucrative network to eliminate the waste caused by gases that became toxic after the addition of magnesium and sulfur and to allow the ultra-precise conductive network: The PCW »The detection of particles in the atmosphere. Without recourse, the results are by no means positive because the oxygen causes a radical obstacle for the crossing of radioactive waves in space.
There is another way to proceed and allow the success of this operation: the manganese is the missing element. The solar ray crosses the atmospheric field with a very intense speed and produces an obstacle for the nuclear activity which consists of acting against the toxic gases due to the elimination of certain viruses surrounding the interplanetary system which does not benefit from the water agent essential to the laundering operation of the gas layers. That said the choking atmospheric ground operational factors in the year 2003.

Uranium is the basic material of the aquatic, atmospheric and organic energy situation. The point of concentration of the molecular mass of uranium deviates according to the magnetic intensity of the planet Jupiter which will determine the center of gravity of the active cell of the secondary axis of the atomic ensemble determining the elasticity of the walls enveloping the constitutional cells of atmospheric neurons.

Noting the active space, the atomic ensemble plays the role of founder in the creation of oxygen molecules.

Hydrogen plays an exclusive role in the detection of solar radioactive waves. Zinc supports the magnetic resistance of the colossal field of gravity.

The iron applies electrical resistance and determines the electric field.

The intersection offers a prior destruction of the atomic set and deviates the angle of the operator atom.

The dominant space of radiation in the atmosphere operates on the deficit situation of an energy opposite to that which activates the reciprocity adequate to the projection of the waves of the planet Saturn towards the solar energy space in order to propel a secondary affinity to the shock atomic gas propelling negative nuclear energy. The subordinate situation of a wave residing in a layer such as ozone produces a molecular pinch that causes dilation in the neurons and destroys the toxic bodies that unbalance the lunar radioactive ions which benefit from a very high molecular and electrical resistance.

Denoting aquatic intolerance, the method causes a profanation of viral toxicity and makes it subtle to the radical point of its constitution in compound sodium.

The atomic model means the component formula of any body, agent or element but determines the nationality and provenance of the latter.

The median intersection zone C3-M4 covers the radioactive layer of the atmosphere by degrading the molecular infrastructure composing the opposite layer to the intersection projection which is evaluated as an obstructive field of the atomic energy of the radiation layer. CAB Simplifying its energy hypothesis, the C3-M4 zone operates on the solar system in the first stage and favors a condensing magnetic field of hydrogen in order to perforate the operational zones of the atmospheric electric field.

Gases released to access a molecular combination ejectable by solar energy.

Demonstrating no chemical reaction of the C3-M4 zone is the intermediate of the most evaluated energy transmission. Zone C3-M4 is the lunar zone.

The energetic debauchery stimulates the electric circuit of this universe by propelling the gravity which is the point of attachment of rich iron waves of mothers. The energy atom is distinguished by its bulk of raw materials such as sodium sulfate which detects at a microscopic power the interference of any foreign body in the atmosphere. Operational as it is, the atmospheric energy atom advises climate conditioning favorable to the survival of cells in the atmosphere.

The basic formula of the atmospheric energy atom is set at C3 + M4

The molecular mass is rich in carbon and magnesium.

To intensify the viral research, the starting point of the C3- M4 zone will be the ideal field to obtain significant elements. The impassable will be the sanctuary orifice which serves as a system of distillation and purification of the sub-nuclear energy which once having crossed the zone of terrestrial sedimentation, it is enriched with electromagnetic ions and radioactive waves to give birth to the colors dressing the universe. For this reason, the enriching colors of the terrestrial globe are more varied and more distinctive and more brilliant by the atmospheric energetic force which is very small in relation to the field of force of the sanctuary orifice. Any failure in the electromagnetic system produces aquatic invasion. Ex: TSUNAMI.

The sanctuary orifice is the division of two atoms compromised by the magnetic force of the concentration of the elements composing the universe. It is located at the East level at a fixed axis of the solar position of the galaxy. At the point of attachment of the magnetic resistance of the earth and the support of the equatorial equilibrium at the regular detour of the earth trump of itself without damage despite the detachment of the earth from any external support manifests itself the universal hydraulic system.

The lunar atmospheric energy propels its destructive power of the virus from the potassium agent which reacts at the level of the nucleus composing this virus and determines functions according to the magnetic field which controls it.
A propulsion wave detecting the median axis diverges to a specifically acute angle parallel to the sun. This reaction diverges around the globe to accentuate the distribution factor of toxic gases from Pluto. The infrared rejection which is propelled in the east direction of the projection wave of a solar ray towards the symmetrical way and parallel to the axis of projection of an ultraviolet ray is based on a curved and radioactive wave.
A viral wave causes a hyper-radioactive failure that reacts directly on the aquatic energy and propels effects on the atmospheric energy which in turn reacts on the terrestrial energy in the first place and on the layer of O2 in second place.
Unlike solar energy, the lunar energy reacts humbly on the mechanism of the heating of the planet which by the viral interference stops the atmospheric radiations in parallel direction while accentuating the crossing of the active ions at the level of the atmospheric layer enveloping the oxygen layer of the globe.

Carbon reacts simultaneously with the radioactive operation and this easily accentuates the rejection of the infrared waves propelled into the cell mixing zone situated at the level of the Atlantic Ocean and surrounded by high radioactivity thanks to a pulse field set at a regular rhythm and this to enable the systemic functioning of the energy reproduction cycle. The energy deficiency in the solar system disturbs the normal cycle of energy density C at the earthly level which causes disturbances in the earth's cost and generates repeated earthquakes.

The relaxation of the cells composing the neurons reflects an amazing subordination through the circuit of the destruction of toxins at the level of all the floating gases in the universe.

The random path is in the form of a combined circuit activated by cells rich in uranium element beneficial to the maintenance of the various components of the atmospheric layers a point of attachment of the magnetic field that maintains the balance of this entire universe

Nitrate and sodium are the main components of this virus, which is of atmospheric origin.

To carry out the close control of health, always think that the virus first affects the blood and will have the role of mass destruction of the cells while intoxicating them, this virus is activated from a negative atmospheric energy.

The virus will play the role of fatal destroyer of terrestrial energies and the contamination of energies such as oil; it will be increased by the resistance of the Earth's crust by the effect of the heating of the planet. The aquatic energies make the atmosphere heavier and its activity slower because of the magnetic energy propelled by the planet Mars. The variation of the atmospheric temperature will be at a culminating point of the atmosphere which will be the meeting zone of two intense energies: B & C energy.

Atmospheric bacteriological agents are only fought through a formula derived from methane. Mercury is the most dangerous agent that can cause the elimination of the atmospheric C.A.B system, the hydrogen molecules having become very numerous after the atmospheric contamination of the MN virus act dangerously on the atmospheric temperature.

The frequency of the radioactivity allows the use of the electric current that connects the earth to the C.A.B zone exactly like the pulmonary functioning.

Magnesium is a very active agent with the direct contact of the UV rays, it allows the absolute discretion of the apparatus during its mission and speed of the transmission of the detection of objects or sought-after elements its power will be equal to twice the power an F18 with an intensity of 120 KW / S and this will allow the dissolution of the agent O2 and H which in turn will avoid the detection of the aircraft during its flying mission.

Magnesium has a power that high technology ignores and that is the transmission of this agent with the direct contact with the lunar rays of a very dense magnetic energy attracted by the planet Mars, which explains the wealth of this planet in sulfur and potassium. The negative agents of any nuclear rection (ex: uranium) are diagnosed by atomic energy.

The nuclear energy is held from the atmospheric layer of Mars, this layer dampens the shock of solar rays on the Earth and according to these various qualities it reduces the radioactive cells on the earth and evaporates the gases toxic oxygen layer. The existing antibodies in the C.A.B system are 7 billion 268014 net types are of two categories:

The positives: They are sharp and act as an impulsive weapon that aims to divide the component cells into 42 units and eject them on the network with a force of 1,200,000 AL. Negatives: they have a rounded shape; their function is to activate the C.A.B system and stabilize energies.

Negative nuclear energy: Is the most intense and the most formidable used to the destructive nuclear effect. The galaxy preserves a very intense activity in favor of the solar system (Radioactivity in nuclear energy: 2 megawatt / second) The system persists on a very firm electromagnetic energy and acts on the rejection of the solar system by a very balanced transmission in thrusts of two Once more the weight of the terrestrial globe, this is why the planet Venus succumbs to a slowness in the ecological system.

Biological energy propels a gaseous formula of an external power creating the phenomenon: Comet.

The CAB layer is the second protective layer, it weighs exactly 67.2% of the atmospheric weight and contains 0.02% of the toxins sucked by the air and attracted by the magnetic field enveloping the tissues of the walls of the atmospheric network, it contains 279,000,000 filaments In the form of serpentine, in this system exists a cell that ejects a fluid equivalent to the gray matter and an electric charge of 173,000,000 Watt hyper concentrated, the power of this factor: a radius = 1,200,000 KMW / second.

Reaction of hydrogen on walls weaving atmospheric neurons:





The Bermuda Triangle

Its intensity varies according to the aquatic energy.

Peripheral dominance of sub-nuclear energy depends on the circulatory system of atmospheric energies.
Coordination is transmitted at the terrestrial level by a magnetic field rich in sulphide. While being the planet joker in the solar system, Mars is based on three energies for the unfolding of the functioning of its nucleus, it is a positively rich planting which diverge on the active point of the gaseous layer n ° 4 of the atmosphere and causes intense heat only 1 time / 15 years = 2001/2005.

The soil of the planet can be captured in most of its time. The detergent effect at the viral level, uranium is an agent difficult to conquer. The soda agent reacts on the ion walls of the uranium agent to cause a subaltern tear and interferes at the level of the radioactive circuit which causes a sparkling negative atomic reaction at the molecular level.

The formula deduced from the molecule of MN in alternative composition is:

[(HP CL O2 H) + z] x [(100 ions radioactifs)]
Rerference with the MN causes a dilation of the wall enveloping the nucleus which alters an overvoltage in the pressure of this agent. In the deficiency of the active motor of this agent the methane is created by the hydraulic propulsion of the aquatic biological energy residing at the level of the neurons composing the cell, active of a hyper, intense body with simultaneous pressure and rich in oxygen.
Assurance of stagnation at the reaction of potassium in the body = plutonium which is an agent of a strong composition because in the raw state of plutonium is very essential of the stagnation of the viral multiplication and the replacement of the walls of the neurons. The texture of the cells depends on the point of view of resistance and immunity to any foreign viral aspect.
Terrestrial viral propagation: [(a + b) + c => √2,142 => II => [(0.013736.666)] km from the axis of gravity at the equatorial level which is a resistance of the perforation path of the the electromagnetic system of the planet of the rhesus support and the density of the influx of the water current at the terrestrial level, which accentuates the contamination of the waters and causes their deoxygenation which facilitates the growth of bacteria and the poisoning of atomic nuclei by this fact: the manipulation of the cells goes towards the decay and stagnates the evolution of the aquatic purgative act. Subordinate detection at 1000Km / h with an X-ray cutaneous offense in the parallel direction of a radioactive wave ejection of the plutonium agent.
The break-in of the holding of the magnetic field diverges towards the central axis of the operational molecule of the magnetic body of a plutonium ion in the presence of the radioactive effect of the positive ion of the formal atom of the viral body. The appearance of the detection wave is disclosed by the deformation of the MN radiation.
In cutaneous verification the viral reaction against the plutonium agent is positively calculated with the reaction of the caustic agent which is the basis of the metaphysical reaction of the virus which operates with the physical reaction of the virus and cooperates with the reaction. Substantial amount of the magnesium agent to create a wave rich in peripheral waves detected at a negative viral aspect.
Under a wave of propulsion, the interplanetary solar system opens on a galaxy without limits of molecular energies on the point x at an angle specific to the centering axis is manifested the amplitude of the metaphysical equation omega in factor of a rhesus at -3.0168.000.000 Km to the propulsion wave with respect to the B axis located at the western point of the planet Saturn.
Absolute distinction, the planets rode around a positive center of gravity and rich in electromagnetic energy of 2 times the influx of a wave of ultraviolet resistance.
The metaphysical resistance is directed towards the Venus resistance pointing axis of up to twice the weight of the Earth globe by simultaneous outbreaks and creating a distressing reaction to the planet ranked Jupiter No. 4 in the galaxy. This planet is really rich and powerful but remains much carbonized in atmosphere and in relief.

The climate of the planet Mars remains unstable because the atmospheric resistance remains inconceivable.

Axis determining autonomic viral infection of the MN:
It is a viral cell of approximately: 1 million 224,000

The magnesium allows transmission stability and blocks any viral interference from hacking. These ultra-active sound perforation waves allow the radical operation of the vibration of a conductive ion, its cell position is very fine and its composition is as follows: oval cell encircled by a thin wall composed of a viscous liquid fed with a very powerful electric current which acts on the resistance of the nucleus causing a decompression and giving off a vibration which, in turn, releases a very dense radioactivity. A wave contains a filament lined with multiple cells allowing the activity of a luminous substance and the rejection of a charred substance necessary for the composition of gases and radioactive agents activating the law of atmospheric gravity which is equal to 180 mg per molecule containing 77 atoms charged with 11278 hyperactive ions with an electrical energy of

125.243 Watt. The active wave propels very active rays which in contact with the O2 gives an energy = The energy B of which 1 ion = 278 Mds / KW and the passive wave propels an energy more powerful than the energy B, it consists to the multiplication of the antibodies (energy C) and subsequently creates the reciprocity of the bodies composing the energies this is raised from a very complex mathematical formula which derives from the Cartesian principle: (X + Y) + z x + (y + z) (x + y + z).

This formula can be satisfied with a force of low dominance because its theorem rests on a very simple theory:

An X warns a set of solar energy with a very strong relativity with weakened sub-nuclear energy = detection wave with a speed of 1200Km / Sec.

The Y advises a group of various elements such as uranium, potassium, sulfur and manganese. This group aims to hold the free satellite channel at the subaqueous level which is the most sensitive and critical area.

This branch detects all kinds of energy traveling in the atmosphere, on land, at sea and underground. It has a devouring intensity of solar radioactive ions. Its energy is evacuated for 12 hours / 72 hours to form geometric shapes that grafting hydrogen bulb that affecting the space while decalcifying the earth layer.

The Z is a set that brings together the physics of hydrogen bulbs while alternating CO2 to total destruction.
By grouping the three sets, it is very radical to try to reduce the activity of these agents in order to eliminate the general (viral) epidemic. The satellite infrared detection wave operating under a verifiable electromagnetic determination hyperactive resistance is located under a central axis of an offensive perpendicular equal to a subordinate infrared wave detection reduced to an offensive resistance wavelength equal to one. UV Central pointing axis 180 ° C: The positive nuclear resistance fixed alternately with the lunar rays: 1 wave = 243.000KW / Sec. Propulsive resistance (0.0528 CI O2 + 2H) = helium.

The atmospheric B energy has 7 billion 277,000 cells making up a active group in magnetic radioactivity. The propelled energy propagates along networks that stand in parallel lines and symmetrical to the lunar magnetic resistance, which plays a key role in the impulsive thrusts of the gas molecules supplying the atmospheric layers. The energy intensity B is dense at the level of the oxygen layer because of the iron agent.
An electric field is propelled from this center of gravity to give a massive impulse to the O2 to condense with the attraction of the Earth's magnetic field and the radioactivity of the iodine with the association of the solar rays which supply the rest of the elements components the sodium atmosphere that is useful for space technological maintenance. Ex: satellite of detection of the infrared waves.

Atmospheric imbalance has a constant subordination to aquatic energies that deliver a good overall cellular set. What stagnates the cellular production rotation and the constant mobilization of cell fertility phenomena of the walls of the radioactive ions of the energy composed of the aquatic atmosphere which is triggered from a culminating point of the fertilized cell located at the aquatic level and more precisely at the level of the Bermuda Triangle known as the active field of aquatic magnetic energy and the most hallucinatory will be the invasion of this sector by phenomena inexplicable scientifically but what is the truth is that this field is very energetic and it is the source of all atmospheric, terrestrial and aquatic energy. A negative wave propels a magnetic energy that consists in detecting the components of a biological agent, Energy A.

Energy B is the most effective at the organic metabolism, its intensity is very low but evocative. This is the beneficial agent that climate traffic is the red light of atmospheric turbulence. It is an element containing concentrated iodine, and propels in resistance of the planet Mars and divulges solar rays which are radioactive vessels which brake the radioactive intensity factor of the UV It plays a role at the level of the transmission of the waves and regulates the intensity of the solar rays in the atmosphere its beneficial and many other energy resources. The propagation of a radioactive wave on an insightful and offensive subaltern intensity on an infrared detector beam: Uranium + soda + sodium  plutonium
The lunar energy appropriate to the sedimentary axis of the plutonium deepens the reaction of the magnetic waves in current of the satellite detection field: A positively affordable reaction at the cellular level of the infrared waves.
The energy that emerges from the Bermuda Triangle is determined as the sub-nuclear energy that is the mother energy and given its transparency it cannot be identified in any case. This energy plays the role of manipulator at the level of the energy circuit of this atmosphere, its resistance is of the electric power of 1 billion 568040 Lw / s which diverges super active rays at the level of the neurons composing the energetic body cell, its divergence is situated at the equatorial level and spreads to the East to give an extreme toning to the atmospheric resistance which in its turn preliminary and punctual discloses radiations which act on the cells composing the gas bulbs, that is why the solar rays react directly on the water and activate the phenomenon evaporation to constitute the constructive phase of the clouds to give birth to the rain contains a large part of the sub-nuclear energy which acts in depth on the ground to react at the level of terrestrial energies in the sub soil and give toughness to liquefy any terrestrial or aquatic energy like oil, gold, the gas etc ...
We hold from there that the aquatic essential energy consolidates the aquatic layers which are based on a soil. Water consists of a sulfuric atmosphere because it is the base agent that has formed the surrounding layers that maintains its volumes with well-defined water limits. Methane is the basic pressure to balance the movement of these layers while programming a regular and pejorative rhythm of the water, the stability of the gases of the water of the production oxygenating the molecules of water allows the continuity of an aquatic life.
The orbit detection of a solar-powered ultraviolet ray of a set of conductive radioactive ions detected from an approximate angle axis by a lunar radioactive ion varies with the intensity of the heat of the atmospheric layer peripheral to the energy of heat (from a peripheral atmospheric layer) to lunar energy varies according to the intensity of a beam = 278.000.000Km in the direction parallel to a symmetrical axis of a negative propulsive wave. Energy B is the only energy that offers radical comfort to planetary survival. The cell wall is held from the outer layer of the atmospheric layer C.A.B. It is powered from aquatic energies.
Methane produces a very powerful radioactivity and develops radical magnetism at the level of the cells composing the atmospheric oxygen layer. Electromagnetic network = atomic offenses: Axial sections of the cell field of the paradoxical layer of Jupiter => plutonium + zinc.

This is the formula of the determining molecular mass of the opposite and symmetrical axis of the acute angle of a x-ray = prolongation of the pejorative system of the axial wall of the intensive sedimentation network which is at high magnetic resonance. The viral cellular offense of the MN goes up to the energy compensation of the oil and finds the molecular axis thing which causes a concealment at the level of the fertile mass of the chemical solution of the black gold and carbonizes the molecules of O2 and goes towards a surge of atmospheric pollution.
Hydrogen: The conducting agent with positive electrical intensity and alternating with a magnetic power that goes to provide a high resonance electromagnetic intensity and produces a reaction at the level of the neurons at the moment of its interference with the agent O2 which goes to perforate the atom and determine the radioactive waves of the structures of the magnetic circuit of the chromosomes strain in the cells.
Sulfur is the energy balance of nuclear energy. The appropriate sedimentation resistance to sulfur is deliberately conductive and radioactive, since the conductive and radioactive divergence of this body is determined by a great hyper-determining magnetic power. Power is presumed by a symmetrical and opposite relativity to that of thezinc.
The maintenance of the body is based on the magnetic field that each neuron has. Oxygenation of this nerve is blocked; it causes a dysfunction in the blood thing which causes a failure in the respiratory level. The trajectory of the blood traced by the neurological system allows the feeding of the gray substance.
Nuclear energy acts on the level of the blood circulation allowing it to renew itself. The cells of the component circulate at a steady rate at the heart rate and react according to the intensity of the magnetic energy and that in parallel direction of the sun. This explains that the rejection of toxins in the lymph acts on the protection of the body from all destructive energy at the moment when the radioactive rays act directly on the vision of the female producing cells in the blood, which produce C energy which is self-defense energy of the body against the radiation of the atmosphere. The failure of energy B causes a complete relaxation of the bone system.
The molecular mass of electromagnetic energy reacts directly on the muscular system which is a part of the body and deviates to a positive and active point in the body. The muscular system is the chain of protection of the whole bone and the network of independent perseverance against the viral action; it is the screen of the protection of the skeleton in case of radioactivity.
The muscles contract to the point of giving the impression of a motor organic stop, the radioactive intensity which plays a role of very powerful electromagnetic shock goes until pushing the influx of the spinal fluid at the organic level at a very high speed this phenomenon absorbs weight resistance at the platform level and goes towards energy failure of the body.
This point includes nuclear energy that propagates very powerful and undetectable radiations that act on the gray matter and causes heat that is distributed at the dorsal level and expands as a function of the magnetic energy of the neurons, the radiations are propagated by the solar energy and gives place to a very active energy supplied by the potassium agent which makes the activity of the gaseous bodies in the positive and homogeneous atmosphere. The body responds alternately to the sound of radioactive ions in the magnetic field to give rise to cell life, neurons activate biological energy and fight toxins to give way to antibodies.
The Failure at the organic level at the starting point of the MN viral cell is localized at the level of the respiratory organs. The complementary medical treatment to regulate this energy deficiency and to detoxify the body of this cell is to connect to the respiratory metabolism only to oxygenate the body.
The radioactive intensity will be operational only if the operational ion of the uranium agent becomes rich in O2 which will be possible only with the intersection of the hydrogen molecule.
Its active effect at the level of the organism will not allow any shaking of the defensive cells at the level of the organism that is why the radioactive uranium reacts directly on the gray matter and its detection will be positive only if the organism impoverished in iron, the agent acts on the heart and cell rhythm and goes up to the radiation of the neurons. In the parallel position, the uranium is revealing at the bone level and destroys the resistance of the cells while causing a dilation in the atoms forming the bone tissues. The cell multiplication is well organized, it is constantly done as long as the energy A is operational, and in case of failure the blood speed is disrupted. The organic dysfunction takes place: -Ex: The total stop of certain organs: Blocking of the kidneys or sudden stop of the heart. Atmospheric disproportion propagates U.V rays detected by the pupil to dilate at the level of the lateral epidermal tissue which makes the burns at the level of the epidermis apparent. The brown spots are achievable from the lymphatic circulation by resistance of the UV rays The UV atom = a basic equation by destruction of the bacteriological form in the atmosphere but because of the decrease of the resistance of the ozone layer this factor becomes very protective and goes as far as the cellular destruction that pierces its crossing. The degree of burns is not as deep apparently but it is a cancer of the cutaneous layer.
Nuclear energy is an optional energy that allows the elimination of any toxic body accessing the envelopment of neurons that are made of a very thin but very strong connective and protective tissue acting on the rhythm of dietary liquid essence of the diaper CAB Its texture is formed from chromosomes very rich in proteins and iron, it essentially participates in the constitution of embryonic cells, this element projects rays which act directly on the level of the gray substance fighting in this way any foreign inflammatory body. For this reason, in the event of failure, there is indeed a malfunction which in turn causes the elimination of the agent, so a substantial imbalance in the bones appears. This imbalance then affects the spinal cord and causes lesions via radioactive waves: Ex: Multiple Sclerosis
Nuclear energy causes radiation that in turn propagates waves to regulate the heat of the cells to stabilize the body's temperature to normal. In contrast to the carbon dioxide agent, nuclear energy becomes evil and goes towards the destruction of the regenerative cells of the body heat which is the source of the functioning of the tendons.
The organic CAB system encompasses the three functional energies of the body, it accentuates the radiations of the nervous system and goes as far as supplying the body with vibrations accessing an intensity of the electric current allowing the functioning of the gray substance which thanks to the contribution of the female neurons, that accesses the multiplication of cells composing the spinal fluid which is a staple food for bone nutrition.
The electrical intensity expands the circuits supplying the gray matter and this pressure causes a force of gravity on the cells that compose the tissues and proceeds to the electric charge of the chromosomes that makes movement: the energy C.

The virus passes through the air and then it localized in the blood causing a failure in the oxygenation of the body that causes:

AIDS : Failure in Blood celles

EBOLA: Failure in Blood speed
The compound filaments of this system comprise the uranium agent which is rich in positive nuclear energy and which is beneficial in the maintenance of the magnetic system of the body. The subordination of the electric current in the organism gives birth to the circuit of the gray matter and allows it to feed the bone vessels which in turn give off a heat which will be intensified by the solar energy, which determines the existence of the energy A in the body.

The tissues that make up this protective veil are manipulated by the speed of blood circulation that is on the way to abundant speculation and without limits. The radioactive activity is very resistant to the cardiac system, although the rhythm seems very little variable, the energy activating the arterial cells is compensated at the blood level and blocked by a failure of the potassium agent which is in the form of energy sparks in the form of compressing and decompressing body it is energy B which is the essence of the cardiac mechanism.

This failure causes a relaxation of the vital tissues at the level of the blood velocity which becomes greater than the magnetic pressure of the arterial pump of the blood circuit. Malfunction of the stomach causing reflux: asthma-allergy.

When the oxygenation of this nerve is blocked, it causes a dysfunction in the blood thing which causes a failure in the respiratory level.

Results (Innovations, Model 2f - 76 77 T.C.) Indications

High-tech design adaptable to the protection of the atmosphere of the red Z-focused tumor at NASA's Space & Astronomy Department. Appropriate triggering according to the program of disinfection or defense against the atmospheric tumor.


1000Km / min / pulses 1200KWS Resistance: 1000m Hertz/second.

Detector Chip

Power of the conductive chip 431.270MHZ / 86.254 ° C at a point C


Moderate high-tech design under a symmetrical angle adaptable to the study of the protection of the environment against the atmospheric tumor: MN.

Mode d’usage

Fixation at an operational satellite infrared waves propulsion.

Fixation at an operational Water Beacon with electromagnetic waves

Fixing within a transaction-wave PC

Technical composition

Conductor comprising positive waves of detection by propulsion / radioactive waves under control by circuit / paradoxical waves in mercury on a fixed network / impulsive waves for viral detection: wave intensity: 1200m

/ sec at 12.526 particles.

Product-Gravity G-

The product is a gel for external application; its composition is natural, gives tenacity and rebalances the body energies and leaves place for remarkable body immunity.

Very Useful is Pain Relief and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Therapy.

Officinal olive oil 5%

Lavender Essential Oil 1ml = 1ml about 35 drops

Sweet almond oil 5%

Serum 10%

Water (hot when initially formed) 75%

Emulsifying wax 4%

Conservative 0.6%

Heat : 65-70 ° C

Mass = Density x Volume 20°C


Z-point or gravity syndrome

Meteorites X. Y = asteroid Z centering points or MN4 = bridges determined as negative agents on "a red axis =>

The ejection of the asteroid Z climax and radical to the maintenance of a negative energy causing atmospheric praise in nitrogen symmetry games Z point of support of a culminating electromagnetic load.

The centering point warns of a peak viral reaction.

The ultimate determination of this pint is the central axis of the two points of parallel crossing which goes up -0 ° C of the central axis to be able to propagate a symmetrical infrared wave at the plot point of the line which aims the random path of the perpendicular C.

This axis is at -0 ° C from the central axis of the radioactive detection wave.

Precise pointing is pointed out to a resolution of the metaphysical equation that extends Einstein's hypothesis.

The point of rejection of the driving force is a reflection of the basic energy energy of the support of the central axis.

The metaphysical equation of the syndrome of gravity G => appropriate formula of the viral displacement at a top speed towards a -0 ° C axis towards the planet earth.

X = 1.726 al => exact rate of radioactive viral displacement of the point x.

Y = 0,234 al => exact speed of rejection of the driving force of hydrogen molecules defensive agent

Z = (x + y) ≥ (y - 0al) => vital point of the viral infection

 -500 al => time allowed for viral displacement

Z = 0 => -0.3180 al => Z <0 xss=removed xss=removed>

Zone of perseverance at the point of the center of the radioactive viral infection Na- axis limited to a complex zone composed of two agents: nitrogen + manganese in the raw state.


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I am delighted to publish our manuscript entitled "A Perspective on Cocaine Induced Stroke - Its Mechanisms and Management" in the Journal of Neuroscience and Neurological Surgery. The peer review process, support from the editorial office, and quality of the journal are excellent. The manuscripts published are of high quality and of excellent scientific value. I recommend this journal very much to colleagues.


S Munshi

Dr.Tania Muñoz, My experience as researcher and author of a review article in The Journal Clinical Cardiology and Interventions has been very enriching and stimulating. The editorial team is excellent, performs its work with absolute responsibility and delivery. They are proactive, dynamic and receptive to all proposals. Supporting at all times the vast universe of authors who choose them as an option for publication. The team of review specialists, members of the editorial board, are brilliant professionals, with remarkable performance in medical research and scientific methodology. Together they form a frontline team that consolidates the JCCI as a magnificent option for the publication and review of high-level medical articles and broad collective interest. I am honored to be able to share my review article and open to receive all your comments.


Tania Munoz

“The peer review process of JPMHC is quick and effective. Authors are benefited by good and professional reviewers with huge experience in the field of psychology and mental health. The support from the editorial office is very professional. People to contact to are friendly and happy to help and assist any query authors might have. Quality of the Journal is scientific and publishes ground-breaking research on mental health that is useful for other professionals in the field”.


George Varvatsoulias

Dear editorial department: On behalf of our team, I hereby certify the reliability and superiority of the International Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Reviews in the peer review process, editorial support, and journal quality. Firstly, the peer review process of the International Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Reviews is rigorous, fair, transparent, fast, and of high quality. The editorial department invites experts from relevant fields as anonymous reviewers to review all submitted manuscripts. These experts have rich academic backgrounds and experience, and can accurately evaluate the academic quality, originality, and suitability of manuscripts. The editorial department is committed to ensuring the rigor of the peer review process, while also making every effort to ensure a fast review cycle to meet the needs of authors and the academic community. Secondly, the editorial team of the International Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Reviews is composed of a group of senior scholars and professionals with rich experience and professional knowledge in related fields. The editorial department is committed to assisting authors in improving their manuscripts, ensuring their academic accuracy, clarity, and completeness. Editors actively collaborate with authors, providing useful suggestions and feedback to promote the improvement and development of the manuscript. We believe that the support of the editorial department is one of the key factors in ensuring the quality of the journal. Finally, the International Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Reviews is renowned for its high- quality articles and strict academic standards. The editorial department is committed to publishing innovative and academically valuable research results to promote the development and progress of related fields. The International Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Reviews is reasonably priced and ensures excellent service and quality ratio, allowing authors to obtain high-level academic publishing opportunities in an affordable manner. I hereby solemnly declare that the International Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Reviews has a high level of credibility and superiority in terms of peer review process, editorial support, reasonable fees, and journal quality. Sincerely, Rui Tao.


Rui Tao

Clinical Cardiology and Cardiovascular Interventions I testity the covering of the peer review process, support from the editorial office, and quality of the journal.


Khurram Arshad

Clinical Cardiology and Cardiovascular Interventions, we deeply appreciate the interest shown in our work and its publication. It has been a true pleasure to collaborate with you. The peer review process, as well as the support provided by the editorial office, have been exceptional, and the quality of the journal is very high, which was a determining factor in our decision to publish with you.


Gomez Barriga Maria Dolores

The peer reviewers process is quick and effective, the supports from editorial office is excellent, the quality of journal is high. I would like to collabroate with Internatioanl journal of Clinical Case Reports and Reviews journal clinically in the future time.


Lin Shaw Chin

Clinical Cardiology and Cardiovascular Interventions, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude for the trust placed in our team for the publication in your journal. It has been a true pleasure to collaborate with you on this project. I am pleased to inform you that both the peer review process and the attention from the editorial coordination have been excellent. Your team has worked with dedication and professionalism to ensure that your publication meets the highest standards of quality. We are confident that this collaboration will result in mutual success, and we are eager to see the fruits of this shared effort.


Maria Dolores Gomez Barriga

Dear Dr. Jessica Magne, Editorial Coordinator 0f Clinical Cardiology and Cardiovascular Interventions, I hope this message finds you well. I want to express my utmost gratitude for your excellent work and for the dedication and speed in the publication process of my article titled "Navigating Innovation: Qualitative Insights on Using Technology for Health Education in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients." I am very satisfied with the peer review process, the support from the editorial office, and the quality of the journal. I hope we can maintain our scientific relationship in the long term.


Dr Maria Dolores Gomez Barriga

Dear Monica Gissare, - Editorial Coordinator of Nutrition and Food Processing. ¨My testimony with you is truly professional, with a positive response regarding the follow-up of the article and its review, you took into account my qualities and the importance of the topic¨.


Dr Maria Regina Penchyna Nieto

Dear Dr. Jessica Magne, Editorial Coordinator 0f Clinical Cardiology and Cardiovascular Interventions, The review process for the article “The Handling of Anti-aggregants and Anticoagulants in the Oncologic Heart Patient Submitted to Surgery” was extremely rigorous and detailed. From the initial submission to the final acceptance, the editorial team at the “Journal of Clinical Cardiology and Cardiovascular Interventions” demonstrated a high level of professionalism and dedication. The reviewers provided constructive and detailed feedback, which was essential for improving the quality of our work. Communication was always clear and efficient, ensuring that all our questions were promptly addressed. The quality of the “Journal of Clinical Cardiology and Cardiovascular Interventions” is undeniable. It is a peer-reviewed, open-access publication dedicated exclusively to disseminating high-quality research in the field of clinical cardiology and cardiovascular interventions. The journal's impact factor is currently under evaluation, and it is indexed in reputable databases, which further reinforces its credibility and relevance in the scientific field. I highly recommend this journal to researchers looking for a reputable platform to publish their studies.


Dr Marcelo Flavio Gomes Jardim Filho

Dear Editorial Coordinator of the Journal of Nutrition and Food Processing! "I would like to thank the Journal of Nutrition and Food Processing for including and publishing my article. The peer review process was very quick, movement and precise. The Editorial Board has done an extremely conscientious job with much help, valuable comments and advices. I find the journal very valuable from a professional point of view, thank you very much for allowing me to be part of it and I would like to participate in the future!”


Zsuzsanna Bene

Dealing with The Journal of Neurology and Neurological Surgery was very smooth and comprehensive. The office staff took time to address my needs and the response from editors and the office was prompt and fair. I certainly hope to publish with this journal again.Their professionalism is apparent and more than satisfactory. Susan Weiner


Dr Susan Weiner

My Testimonial Covering as fellowing: Lin-Show Chin. The peer reviewers process is quick and effective, the supports from editorial office is excellent, the quality of journal is high. I would like to collabroate with Internatioanl journal of Clinical Case Reports and Reviews.


Lin-Show Chin

My experience publishing in Psychology and Mental Health Care was exceptional. The peer review process was rigorous and constructive, with reviewers providing valuable insights that helped enhance the quality of our work. The editorial team was highly supportive and responsive, making the submission process smooth and efficient. The journal's commitment to high standards and academic rigor makes it a respected platform for quality research. I am grateful for the opportunity to publish in such a reputable journal.


Sonila Qirko

My experience publishing in International Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Reviews was exceptional. I Come forth to Provide a Testimonial Covering the Peer Review Process and the editorial office for the Professional and Impartial Evaluation of the Manuscript.


Luiz Sellmann

I would like to offer my testimony in the support. I have received through the peer review process and support the editorial office where they are to support young authors like me, encourage them to publish their work in your esteemed journals, and globalize and share knowledge globally. I really appreciate your journal, peer review, and editorial office.


Zhao Jia

Dear Agrippa Hilda- Editorial Coordinator of Journal of Neuroscience and Neurological Surgery, "The peer review process was very quick and of high quality, which can also be seen in the articles in the journal. The collaboration with the editorial office was very good."


Thomas Urban

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the support and efficiency provided by the editorial office throughout the publication process of my article, “Delayed Vulvar Metastases from Rectal Carcinoma: A Case Report.” I greatly appreciate the assistance and guidance I received from your team, which made the entire process smooth and efficient. The peer review process was thorough and constructive, contributing to the overall quality of the final article. I am very grateful for the high level of professionalism and commitment shown by the editorial staff, and I look forward to maintaining a long-term collaboration with the International Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Reviews.


Cristina Berriozabal

To Dear Erin Aust, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation for the opportunity to have my work published in this esteemed journal. The entire publication process was smooth and well-organized, and I am extremely satisfied with the final result. The Editorial Team demonstrated the utmost professionalism, providing prompt and insightful feedback throughout the review process. Their clear communication and constructive suggestions were invaluable in enhancing my manuscript, and their meticulous attention to detail and dedication to quality are truly commendable. Additionally, the support from the Editorial Office was exceptional. From the initial submission to the final publication, I was guided through every step of the process with great care and professionalism. The team's responsiveness and assistance made the entire experience both easy and stress-free. I am also deeply impressed by the quality and reputation of the journal. It is an honor to have my research featured in such a respected publication, and I am confident that it will make a meaningful contribution to the field.


Dr Tewodros Kassahun Tarekegn

"I am grateful for the opportunity of contributing to [International Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Reviews] and for the rigorous review process that enhances the quality of research published in your esteemed journal. I sincerely appreciate the time and effort of your team who have dedicatedly helped me in improvising changes and modifying my manuscript. The insightful comments and constructive feedback provided have been invaluable in refining and strengthening my work".


Dr Shweta Tiwari

I thank the ‘Journal of Clinical Research and Reports’ for accepting this article for publication. This is a rigorously peer reviewed journal which is on all major global scientific data bases. I note the review process was prompt, thorough and professionally critical. It gave us an insight into a number of important scientific/statistical issues. The review prompted us to review the relevant literature again and look at the limitations of the study. The peer reviewers were open, clear in the instructions and the editorial team was very prompt in their communication. This journal certainly publishes quality research articles. I would recommend the journal for any future publications.


Dr Farooq Wandroo

Dear Jessica Magne, with gratitude for the joint work. Fast process of receiving and processing the submitted scientific materials in “Clinical Cardiology and Cardiovascular Interventions”. High level of competence of the editors with clear and correct recommendations and ideas for enriching the article.


Dr Anyuta Ivanova

We found the peer review process quick and positive in its input. The support from the editorial officer has been very agile, always with the intention of improving the article and taking into account our subsequent corrections.


Dr David Vinyes